24.06.-01.08.2024 showroom and warehouse open by appointment only.


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Valolistan ja koristelistojen suunnittelu sekä asennus

WallArk with Karmano Design 🔷 | By Sanna Karmano

kesäkuu 03, 2024 1 min reading

Oikeanlaisen valaistuksen suunnittelulla on iso rooli sisustuksessa. Valoilla luodaan tilaan haluttu tunnelma ja taataan tilan toimivuus. Epäsuora valo on hyvä tunnelman luoja ja sillä voi myös korostaa kauniita arkkitehtonisia elementtejä.
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Kauniit sisustuslistat Bloomy Interiorsin Riikan suunnittelemana

WallArk with Bloomy Interiors 🌸 | By Riikka Laitinen

huhtikuu 13, 2024 1 min reading

Looking to take your home to the next level? For a harmonious result, it is important that the dado rails match well with skirting boards, coving and ceiling roses. Benefit from the designer's offer! 🌸

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Mallipaloja sisustuslistoista Ceiling 6, Floor 1, Floor 2, Panel 6

About our products - Modern materials have advantages

maaliskuu 20, 2023 1 min reading

All our products are made of durable and high quality polymer. The strength and usability of high quality materials are combined with the look and feel of traditional plaster.

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WallArk Interiors est. 2018

WallArk - How it all started

helmikuu 16, 2023 1 min reading

WallArk was founded upon a simple realization there was no such skirting concept that is both timelessly elegant and meets modern demands. That is why we invented one.

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